School Development Plan

Our School Development Targets for 2023/2024 are: 


Quality of Education 

  • Adaptive teaching techniques are embedded throughout the school, leading to rapid progress for pupils 
  • Writing outcomes continue to improve so that they are in line with other core subjects 
  • All children, except for those with significant SEND, access work at their choronological age group through effective adaptation 
  • All children, except those with significant SEND, achieve the expected standard in reading through targeted work on fluency and access to high quality texts across the curriculum 

Behaviour and Attitudes 

  • To ensure the behaviour policy of the school is streamlined, so the core messages are remembered and used by staff and pupils 
  • To develop the systems in place to promote and prioritise positive behaviours for pupils 
  • To develop strategies to enable pupils to take an active part in their learning and progress 

Personal Development 

  • To further develop the shared outdoor spaces to enhance personal development opportunities throughout the day 
  • To implement the BET guarantee, building on the Pillars of Opportunity 
  • To develop ways to track the implementation and impact of the guarantee 

Leadership and Management 

  • Refine the governor / subject leader meetings  
  • To ensure that training and support opportunities are available for all staff, including those new to role 
  • Utilise AI to ensure a reduced workload and better work / life balance for staff 

Early Years Provision 

  • To ensure that children who require additional support are identified quickly upon entry into EYFS and that the appropriate provision is put in place swiftly 
  • To ensure that oracy in EYFS has the highest priority, with training in place for staff 
  • To ensure staff are highly skilled in balancing both high-quality interactions and recording these to evidence children’s knowledge and skills  



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