
Children earn house points which are recorded on Class Dojo throughout the day.  These are earned for any positive behaviours observed such as: 

  • demonstrating school learning behaviours
  • good manners 
  • being helpful 
  • positive attitudes to learning 
  • being focused on learning in class 
  • achieving well 

Children can earn certificates each week from class teachers and the headteacher as above. 

Parents can view their children's house points via Class Dojo. 

We believe in giving children positive praise and celebrating everyone's successes. 

Please click here to view our Behaviour Policy.

Please click her to view our Writen statement of behavour principles

Sayes Court Behaviour Ladder



Everybody starts on Good be Green




Verbal Reminder




Yellow Card

(Parents, Headteacher to be informed if this happens twice in one week)


Time Out Table in Classroom for 10mins


(Parents to be informed if this happens)


Amber Card


(Parents to be informed if this happens)


Time out Table in another Classroom


Length of time up to Teachers (both classes). Parents, Headteacher and Deputy to be informed.


Red Card


(only given after discussion with Headteacher)


If time out occurs at the very end of the day, a detention for 10mins will be given at 3.20pm.  An adult from the class should inform parents at 3.20pm or earlier.

At Lunch / Play / Assembly

A five-minute detention will be given for low level disruptive behaviour – Class Teacher, Parents, Headteacher, Deputy to be informed if this happens twice in one week.



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