
Fft attendance 2023 24 award

Attendance is of paramount importance at Sayes Court School. Children must attend school consistently in order to make good progress with their learning, to look after their well-being and to benefit from the wealth of experiences and opportunities available at Sayes Court. The school aim is to maintain attendance at 96.5% and above. Children across the whole school are taught about the importance of attending school regularly and there is a range of incentives to promote excellent attendance.

The class with the highest weekly attendance are awarded with the attendance trophy by the Headteacher in assembly which they get to keep for the week. The winning class also receive a sugar free sweet as a treat! The results of the weekly Attendance League are published in the weekly school Newsletter and are presented on the Attendance League board in the school hall.  Pupils with 100% attendance over a half term receive a certificate and a book token so that they can select a book from our book vending machine! 

Every week, via the Newsletter and Class Dojo, parents are kept up to date with the school calendar to ensure it is clear when key events are taking place over the year. While no one can help being ill, when well-enough, every day at school counts. The research is clears that pupils who attend well, achieve well.

If a child’s attendance becomes a concern a member of the senior leadership team alongside our Attendance Officer will have a meeting with parents and carers to identify the cause and offer appropriate support. The school also works closely with the local Inclusion Officer.

If you wish to apply for a leave of absence for your child(ren), please collect a form from the Headteacher. Sayes Court will not authorise holidays or leave of absence in term times, except in exceptional circumstances determined by the Headteacher.

To read our Attendance Policy in full, please see "Policies" under the "Our School" section of the website.


Attendance Matters



Holidays / Leave of Absence in Term Time and Penalty Notices

Holiday term times can be found on the School’s website. Sayes Court has a two week Autumn half term break which we hope will help you to book a holiday when prices are a little cheaper. We strongly recommend that parent/carers DO NOT book their family holidays during term time as these will not be authorised and may incur a Penalty Notice being issued.    

Absence from school can seriously disrupt your child’s continuity of learning. Not only do they miss the teaching provided on the days they are away, but they are also less well prepared for lessons upon their return. There is a consequent risk of under-achievement. Above all, missing school seriously affects children’s longer-term life opportunities.

Sayes Court will not authorize holidays or leave of absence in term times, except in exceptional circumstances determined by the Head Teacher. Evidence will be sought to substantiate exceptional circumstances. Should a parent wish to apply for any leave of absence within term time then this must be made in writing to the Head Teacher at least two weeks in advance. An ‘Application for Leave of Absence’ form can be obtained from the school office. If holidays or absence are taken, without prior authorisation, the child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised in the school register and you may still incur a Penalty Notice.

Holidays which are requested for the following reasons will not be authorized:

  • Availability of cheap holidays
  • Availability of the desired accommodation
  • Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods
  • Overlap with beginning or end of term
  • Visiting family abroad
  • Change of transport dates

On the advice of the Education Welfare Service if any parent requests extended leave of absence of more than 4 weeks to visit their home country then the school will take their child’s name off-roll and the parent will have to re-apply for a place when they return.  There is no guarantee, in this instance,  that a place will be available.

Unauthorised absence of 5 consecutive days or more will incur a Penalty Notice.

The Education Welfare Service, acting on behalf of Surrey County Council,  may issue a Penalty Notice as an alternative to the prosecution of  parent(s)/carer(s) for their child(ren)’s unauthorised absence from school, and requires the recipient(s) to pay a fixed amount.

The amount payable on issue of a Penalty Notice is £60 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 per parent/carer per child if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.  If the Penalty Notice is not paid within 28 days, the Local Authority must prosecute the parent(s)/carer(s) for failing to ensure regular school attendance under Section 444 Education Act 1996.

Penalty notice



Infection Control Guidance

If your child is well enough, they are expected to attend school. The illnesses listed below require no exclusion from school and will be classed as unauthorised unless an exceptional circumstance. 




Common cough/cold

Student expected in school

Medication can be administered in school  


Student expected in school if they do not have a high temperature.

Medication can be administered in school

Allergies (including hay fever)  

Student expected in school  

Medication can be administered in school

Sprain/break/ligament/ muscle damage

Student expected in school. Support can be offered for movement around school.  

Medication can be administered in school

Period pains

Student expected in school  

Medication can be administered in school

Viral infections

Student expected in school

Medication can be administered in school



Student expected in school. Support will be offered.  

The school can only authorise absences due to anxiety and mental health when students are under CAMHS.   


The table below outlines the guidance with regards to infectious diseases and school attendance in line with Public Health England advice to schools. Medical evidence may be requested in certain circumstances. 


Recommended period to be kept away from school



Until all spots have crusted over  

Please let the school know immediately so we can advise pregnant staff.


Until lesions are crusted, or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment



Four days from onset of rash



Exclude only if rash is weeping and cannot be covered


Scarlet fever

Child can return 24 hours after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment


Diarrhoea and / or vomiting 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting  
High temperature (over 38 degrees) Until normal temperature resumes. Medication can be administered in school




Attendance Flow Chart - Persistent Absence

Attendance flow chart

Frequently Asked Attendance Questions

Frequently asked attendance questions

Frequently asked attendance questions 2

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