



Our core aims for PSHE are to ensure that all children:  

  • Acquire accurate and relevant knowledge and become critical thinkers. 

  • Have opportunities to create personal understanding. 

  • Acquire emotional literacy and self-regulation techniques. 

  • Develop an emotional vocabulary which they can apply to their writing, reading and class discussions. 

  • Have opportunities to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities. 

  • Adopt a range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced life. 

  • Are taught to understand their place in the class, school and global community. 

  • Learn about anti-bullying (including cyber and homophobic bullying) and diversity. 

  • Learn how to set goals, create aspirations and work together. 

  • Have drug and alcohol education and are encouraged to have high self-esteem and confidence levels as well as making healthy lifestyle choices. 

  • Understand friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills. 

  • Are taught sex and relationships education in the context of coping positively with change (includes age-appropriate sex education). 


We are about to implement the Jigsaw scheme in PSHE. At Sayes Court we expect children to be positive role models and good citizens whilst showing an understanding of others around them. Children are encouraged to be active speakers and listeners during PSHE lessons whilst developing a sensitivity to others. Children take part in role-play and discussions and engage in a wide variety of problem-solving activities as well as recording ideas through written work. PSHE is seen around the school through displays including Zones of Regulation and Growth Mindset. Adults teach through high quality questioning, they have strong subject knowledge and take part in regular training.  

What this looks like in practice:    

  • All children in Nursery through to Year 6 take part in weekly PSHE sessions, which follows the national guidance.  

  • There is a designated wellness session each week where children are able to take part in yoga, meditation or other wellness activities. 

  • Each year group has six half-term units of work each containing six lessons. 

  • Each year group studies the same unit at the same time facilitating whole school learning themes. 

  • Each Term the school has a designated Habit for Successful Learners and children who follow these are added to the Wall of Recognition in their classrooms. These habits are: Self Love, Resilience and cooperation. They are introduced in assembly and explored further in class. 

  • Each class teaches the Zones of Regulation and children and twice a day children are able to place themselves in the zone which best fits their mood at that time. 

  • Children take place in circle time and group discussion. The ROCK rules ensure a safe learning environment within PSHE lessons. 

  • There are NSPCC assemblies for the whole school and workshops for Years 5 & 6 on a 2 yearly cycle. 

  • There is a designated school nurse who supports children’s mental and physical health. 

Schemes, programme and resources used to support PSHE: 


NSPCC workshops 

Zones of Regulation 

To find out more about these schemes and programmes, click on the relevant links below:  


The impact of our PSHE curriculum allows children to: 

  • Make good progress over time and achieve in line or above age-related expectations. 

  • Develop a strong sense of who they are and how they can have a positive impact on the wider community. 

  • Develop a strong moral understanding and uphold British Values. 

  • Be able to express their feelings in a safe and constructive way. 

  • Form strong, positive relationships with peers and adults whilst being able to resolve conflict. 


PSHE is at the heart of developing SMSC across the curriculum.  Pupils understand their strengths and weaknesses and have a drive to succeed. They develop an understanding of the place they have in the wider world and gain the ability to ask fundamental questions. Children learn consequences of their actions and learn how to forgive themselves and others. Children learn to relate to those around them and work towards the common good, upholding British Values. Children are taught to celebrate differences between themselves and others and understand and respect the cultures of others. 


Progression of Skills and Knowledge

Year group 

Year 1 

Year 2 

Year 3  

Year 4  

Year 5  

Year 6  


Keeping safe & managing Risk 

  • Pupils Learn about safety in familiar situations 

  • Pupils Learn about Personal safety 

  • Pupils learn about people who help keeps them safe outside the home 

  • Pupils Learn about keeping safe in the home including fire safety 

  • Pupils Learn about keeping safe outside 

  • Pupils learn about road safety 

  • Pupils learn to recognise bullying and how it can make people feel 

  • Pupils learn about different types of bullying and how to respond to bullying incidents 

  • Pupils learn about what to do if they witness bullying 

  • Pupils learn how to be safe in their gaming habits 

  • Pupils learn about keeping safe near roads, rails, water, building sites and around fireworks 

  • Pupils learn about what to do in an emergency and basic emergency first aid procedures 


  • Pupils learn about keeping safe online 

  • Pupils learn that violence in relationships is not acceptable 

  • Pupils learn about problems that can occur when someone goes missing from home 

  • Pupils learn about feeling of being out and about in the local area with increasing independence 

  • Pupils learn about recognising and responding to peer pressure 

  • Pupils learn about the cosequences of anti-social behaviour (including gangs and gang related behaviour) 

Drugs Alcohol & Tobacco Education 

  • Pupils learn about what can go into bodies and how it can make people feel 

  • Pupils learn about what can go onto bodies and how it can make them feel 

  • Pupils learn why medicines are taken  

  • Pupils learn where medicines come from 

  • Pupils learn about keeping themselves safe around medicine 

  • Pupils learn the definition of drugs and that drugs (including medicines) can be harmful to people 

  • Pupils learn about the effects and risk of smoking tobacco and second hand smoke 

  • Pupils learn about the help available for people to remain smoke free or stop smoking 

  • Pupils learn that there are drugs (other than medicines) that are common in every day life and why people choose them 

  • Pupils learn about the effects and risks of drinking alcohol 

  • Pupils learn about different patterns of behaviour that are related to drug use 

  • Pupils learn about the risks associated with smoking drugs, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, shisha and cannabis  

  • Pupils learn about different influences on drug use-alcohol, tobacco and nicotine products 

  • Pupils learn the strategies to resist pressure from others about whether to use drugs-smoking drugs and alcohol 

  • Pupils learn about the risk associated with using different drugs, including tobacco and nicotine products, alcohol, solvents, medicines and other legal and illegal drugs 

  • Pupils learn about assessing the levels of risk in different situations involving drug use 

  • Pupils learn about ways to manage risk in situations involing drug use 

Mental Health & Wellbeing 

  • Pupils learn about different types of feelings 

  • Pupils learn about managing different feelings 

  • Pupils learn about change or loss and how this can feel 

  • Pupils learn about the importance of special people in their lives  

  • Pupils learn about making friends and who can help with friendships 

  • Pupils learns about solving problems which might arise witrh friendships 

  • Pupils learn about celebrating achievments and setting personal goals 

  • Pupils learn about dealing with put downs  

  • Pupils learn about positive ways to deal with setbacks 

Mental Health is covered in SRE 

  • Pupils learn about a wide range of emotions and feelings and how these are experienced in bodies 

  • Pupils learn about times of change and how these can make people feel 

  • Pupils learn about the feelings associated with loss, grief and bereavement 

  • Pupils learn what mental health is 

  • Pupils learn about what can affect mental health and someways of dealing with this 

  • Pupils learn about some every day ways to look after ways to deal with mental health 

Physical health and wellbeing  

  • Pupils learn about how food that is associated with special times, in dfifferent cultures  

  • Pupils learn about active playground games from around the world  

  • Pupils learn about sun-safety  

  • Pupils learn about eating well 

  • Pupils learn about the importance of physical activity, sleep and rest  

  • Pupils learn about the people who help us to stay healthy and well and about basic health and hygiene routines  


  • Pupils learn about making healthy choices about food and drinks  

  • Pupils learn about how branding can affect what foods people choose to buy 

  • Pupils learn about keeping active and some of the challenges of this  


  • Pupils learn why people may eat or avoid certain foods( religious, moral,cultural or health reasons  

  • Pupils lean about other factors that contributie to peoples food choices (such as ethical farming, fait trade and sesonality)  

  • Children about the importance of getting enough sleep  

  • Pupils learn that messages given on food adverts can be misleading  

  • Pupils learning about role modles  

  • Pupils learn about how the media can manipulate images and this may no reflect reality  


Sex & Relationship Education 

  • Pupils learn about where money comes from and making choices when spending money 

  • Puplils learn about saving money and and how to keep it safe 

  • Pupils learn about the different jobs people do 

  • Pupils learn to understand and respect the differences and similarities between people 

  • Pupils learn about the biological differences between male and female animals and their role in the life cycle 


  • Pupils learn about the way we grow and chamge throughout the human lifecycle 

  • Pupils learn about the physical changes associated with puberty 


  • Pupils learn about the changes that occur during puberty 

  • Pupils learn to consider different attitudes and values around gender stereotyping and sexuality and consider their origin and impact 

Identity, society and equality 

  • Pupils learn about what makes themselves and others special 

  • Pupils learn about roles and responsibilities at home and school 

  • Pupils learn about being cooperative with others 


  • Pupils learn about valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others 

  • Pupils learn about what is meant by community 

  • Pupils learn about belonging to groups 

  • Pupils learn about Britain as a democratic society 

  • Pupils learn about how laws are made 

  • Pupils learn about the local council 

  • Pupils learn about stereotyping, including gender stereotyping 

  • Workshop from Diversity Role Models or Equaliteach 

  • Pupils learn about prejudice and discrimination and how this can make people feel 

  • Pupils learn about people who have moved to Islington from other places (including the experience of refugees). 

  • Pupils learn about human rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 

Carrers, financial capability and economic wellbeing 

  • Pupils learn about where money comes from and making choices when spending money 

  • Pupils learn about saving money and keeping it safe 

  • Pupils learn about the different jobs people do 



  • Pupils learn about what influences people’s choices about spending and saving money 

  • Pupils learn how people can keep track of their money 

  • Pupils learn about the world of work 


  • Pupils learn that money can be borrowed but there are risks associated with this 

  • Pupils learn about enterprise 

  • Pupils learn what influences people’s decisions about careers 





Healthy Relationships and How a Baby is Made 

PSHE Topics by Year Group

Year group 



Year 1 

Year 2 

Year 3  

Year 4  

Year 5  

Year 6  

Autumn 1 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI – Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI - Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI – Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI - Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI - Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI - Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI - Equality 

Being Me In My World 

Value – Respect, individual liberty, rule of law 

Learning Habit - reflection 

EDI - Equality 

Autumn 2 

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI – Diversity 

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI – Diversity  

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI – It’s okay to be different book – Tod Parr 

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI - Diversity 

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI - Diversity 

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI – Harriet Tubman (Little People, Big Dreams)  

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI - Diversity 

Celebrating differences 

Value – Tolerance, democracy, mutual respect 

Learning Habit - cooperation 

EDI - Nelson Mandela (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Spring 1 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI – Rosa Parks (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI - Rosa Parks (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI – Rudolf Nureyev (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI -  Corozon Aquino (Little People, Big Dreams)  

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI – Emmeline Pankhurst (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI – Malala Yousafzai (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI – Greta Thunberg (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Dreams and goals 

Value – Individual liberty 

Learning Habit – resilience, responsibility  

EDI – Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Spring 2 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Marcus Rashford (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI - Marcus Rashford (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Pele (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Billie Jean King (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Bruce Lee (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Megan Rapinoe (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Jesse Owens (Little People, Big Dreams) 

Healthy Me 

Value – Respect 

Learning Habit –responsibility  

EDI – Michael Jordan (Little People, Big Dreams)  

Summer 1 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI – Martin Luther King (Little People, Big Dreams) 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Martin Luther King (Little People, Big Dreams) 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Inclusion 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Inclusion 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Inclusion 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Inclusion 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Inclusion 


Value – Tolerance, respect,  

Learning Habit – cooperation  

EDI - Inclusion 

Summer 2 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI – Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

Changing Me 

Value – respect 

Learning Habit – responsibility  

EDI - Diversity 

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